The 8 Best Tips for Storing Your Lingerie
- by Riley Speers

How To Store Lingerie
Customers who frequently buy our lingerie commonly ask us "How do I store my lingerie?" and we thought we'd break it down a bit.
Each type of way to store lingerie is dependent on your goals! Do you want your lingerie to be wrinkle free? Or maybe you want your lingerie to be hidden from snoopy family members? Check out the 8 best ways to store your lingerie below!
1. Only keep lingerie you plan to wear
Many women constantly order lingerie from different stores and never end up actually wearing their purchases! Take all the pieces you currently have that still have tags attached and donate them to a friend or to your favorite charity to ensure they get up-cycled!
2. Sort your lingerie by favorites
Maybe you usually just one color because it suites your body type the best, or perhaps you only enjoy wearing a certain style (teddies? robes? lace?). It's best to figure out what pieces of your lingerie you wear the most and sort based on your top-picks.
Some women enjoy sorting their lingerie based on the season! Maybe floral and pastel colors for Spring and Summer and darker toned pieces for the Fall and Winter seasons?
3. To hang or to fold?
This next step is based primarily on what types of lingerie you own. More extravagant pieces are best hung up in your closet to avoid wrinkles and any wanted tears that could occur when pulling them out of a drawer. If you have less expensive pieces, you could fold them and keep them in a drawer to save closet space!
4. Storage in a drawer or dresser
If you do plan to store your lingerie in a drawer or box, it's best to use a fabric lined basket to avoid anything catching and tearing when moving your pieces about! Drawer dividers can be very helpful when storing your lingerie as they'll help you organize them as much as possible (perfect for those seasonal lingerie organizers!)
5. Hanging lingerie in the closet
If you own many strappy pieces of lingerie, you could store them in your closet on hangers. This can make it difficult to access your pieces, however!
6. Storing lingerie in a suitcase
Planning to bring your favorite piece of lingerie on vacation or business trip? The best way to store your lingerie if you plan to take it on a trip with you is to store it in a fabric travel bag to keep it safe and secure. Doing this will help you avoid catching your favorite piece on a zipper!
7. Use scents to make your lingerie smell nice
You can include scent beads (those same ones you throw in the washer) to make your lingerie smell nice for the next time you plan to wear it! These will also make whatever else that's in close proximity smell amazing. This is the easiest and best way to make your lingerie smell like lavender, roses or whatever your favorite scent is!
Check out our tips on washing your lingerie in our easy 5-step tutorial.